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Money Alchemy

Dec 31, 2019

A favorite New Year's practice of mine is to pick a word or a phrase that sets a big, GIANT intention for the year ahead. Listen in to find out my phrase for 2020!

Thank you for a wonderful first year of Money Alchemy. Here's to the year ahead of us!

Dec 17, 2019

As 2019 winds to a close, let's visit a favorite saying of mine: "Circumstances don't matter." When you want to move the dial just a little bit towards a higher vibration, this saying is key!

Dec 10, 2019

In case you missed it, yesterday we started a live Blue Money game! You can get all the details at Before you do, though, I'm going to share a few stories of my own Blue Money and how it came in.

Dec 3, 2019

Do you enjoy waiting in traffic? How about waiting in line at airport security? That's what I thought! If you've been playing the waiting game, it's time to shift out of that energy. Let's talk about how.

Nov 26, 2019

Survival mode isn't a rite of passage, and it's not just for college kids. Survival mode is actually in the lack consciousness. This week, let's choose to be in the abundance mode of the thriving consciousness!