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Money Alchemy

Nov 24, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving to my US listeners! No matter where you are in the world, I hope you're able to see and be with your loved ones. In the spirit of the holiday, I want to talk about gratitude, and what my puppy, Joely, has shown me about joy.

Nov 17, 2020

It's time for some more listener questions! Want me to answer your question on the podcast? Send me an email, or come join our Blue Money group on Facebook! 

Nov 10, 2020

This episode was inspired by a recent client of mine, who has been studying law of attraction for several years, doing everything "right," but nothing seemed to work! And you know what? I had been there.

Nov 3, 2020

To kick off November, I want to share a story with you of how a young guy actually manifested his perfect partner. After all, in every facet of our lives, we create what we want to create. So what do you want to create?